Advent of Code 2020
This is my notes about solving Advent of Code 2020 in Rust.
Day 1
- There was outage for the first 10 minutes so there were no leaderboard scores
- I solved this using 3 nested loops:
for i in 0..x.len() {
for j in 0..i {
for k in 0..j {
if x[i] + x[j] + x[k] == 2020 {
return x[i] * x[j] * x[k];
- Afterwards learned about
function fromitertools
let v = x
.filter(|it| it.iter().sum::<i64>() == 2020)
return v[0] * v[1] * v[2]
- Using
from the same package looks even cleaner:
let res = x
.find_map(|(a, b, c)| {
if a + b + c == 2020 {
Some(a * b * c)
} else {
return res
Day 2
- Solved in 5/9 minutes and got around 800th place overall
- Wasted some time figuring out how to index
-s in Rust. The syntax is pretty ugly:
let ch = parts[1].chars().nth(0).unwrap();
- Lost another minute or so with incorrect answers as missed 1-indexing of arrays
- Initially did some parsing using my
let parts = split_string(line, " ");
let nums = split_string(&parts[0], "-");
let a = parse_i64(&nums[0]);
let b = parse_i64(&nums[1]);
let ch = parts[1].chars().nth(0).unwrap();
let pass = parts[2];
- Afterwards found some pretty slick
let (a, b, ch, pass): (usize, usize, char, String) =
serde_scan::scan!("{}-{} {}: {}" <- line).unwrap();
Day 3
- Solved in
minutes and got at#1240/#953
in global leaderboard
- Screwed up several times while trying to skim the statement too fast:
- Missed that starting point is (1, 3) and not (0, 0) - this probably doesn’t matter since the start is not at tree
- Didn’t realize that the map is cyclical
- Missed that we need to multiply all numbers instead of sum
- Regarding Rust itself - I don’t like the access pattern for strings, so maybe I should have a helper to quickly convert
pub fn to_vv_char(lines: &Vec<String>) -> Vec<Vec<char>> {
lines.iter().map(|x| x.chars().collect()).collect()
Day 4
- Solved in
minutes and got at#1800/1091
in global leaderboard
- Didn’t really like the problem since it was pretty straightforward but required a lot of careful coding
- Maybe that’s an opportunity to learn how to do that more efficiently in Rust (e.g. use regexps)
- For first part missed that
is optional - Also wasted some time with incorrect parsing - didn’t take into account last block
- Surprisingly second part worked out of the box the first time I finished it
- Will check if I can simplify some of the code
- Found that
has methodcontains
and splitting the string is probably faster than changing it to a vector, soecl
check could be written as following:
fn check_ecl(s: &String) -> bool {
let opts = split_string(&"amb blu brn gry grn hzl oth".to_string(), " ");
- iterators have methd
that could be used for simplification:
fn is_all_digits(s: &String) -> bool {
s.chars().all(|c| c.is_numeric())
Day 5
- Solved in
minutes and got at#593/379
place. The best result so far!
- Was pretty straightforward problem - I feel that I didn’t really screwed up anywhere
- Initially I implemented the binary search as described, but later turned out you can just convert the input string to binary treating “BR” -> 1 and “FL” -> 0:
fn get_seat_id_bin(s: &String) -> i64 {
let x: String = s
.map(|c| match c {
'B' | 'R' => '1',
_ => '0',
isize::from_str_radix(&x, 2).unwrap() as i64
- Or using
fn get_seat_id_bin(s: &String) -> i64 {
let x = s.replace("B", "1").replace("R", "1").replace("L", "0").replace("F", "0");
isize::from_str_radix(&x, 2).unwrap() as i64
Day 6
- Solved in
and got at#1911/#839
: was a little slow than people in part 1 but then got faster in part 2.
- The parsing was pretty similar to day 4 and I still was using awkward state based parsing which is slower to implement
- Would be interesting to switch to
based parsing since this seems more effective - Part 1 using this approach:
pub fn part1(data: &str) -> i64 {
.map(|x| x.replace("\n", ""))
.map(|x| {
let set: HashSet<_> = x.chars().collect();
set.len() as i64
- Interestingly, Rust now only has
.fold(value, func)
which accumulates results into initial value. There is.fold_first(func)
method in nightly that is more similar to traditionalreduce
(it uses the first value as initial). - There is alo discussion on rust-lang API for supporting multiple sets
- Without that writing part 2 is a little awkward:
pub fn part2(data: &str) -> i64 {
.map(|x| x.split("\n"))
.map(|lines| {
let sets: Vec<_> = lines
.map(|x| {
let set: HashSet<_> = x.chars().collect();
.fold(sets[0].clone(), |acc, s| {
.len() as i64
Day 7
- Solved in
and got at#1305/#1006
- Spent some time trying to make fancy serde_scan work, but didn’t succeed and swtiched back to regular parsing/splitting
- Solved part 1 using BFS and part 2 using DFS with caching
- Learned cool API in Rust to populate
HashMap<_, Vec<_>>
. In C++ this is easy because of default ctor-s, but in Rust the convenient way to use the following:
.push((num, output_bag.clone()));
- Parsing could also be re-written using
let re = Regex::new("(.*) contain (.*)[.]").unwrap();
let cap = re.captures(line).unwrap();
let src = cap.get(1).unwrap().as_str();
let dsts = cap.get(2).unwrap().as_str();
Day 8
- Solved in
and got at#2519/#1144
- Pretty slow overall as I spent debugging a few bugs in code:
- Missed
increment on regular instructions - Overflow of jump backwards instruction
- Missed
- Learned that using pattern matching can make the program nicer:
fn run_prog(prog: &Vec<Op>) -> (bool, i64) {
let mut acc = 0;
let mut ip = 0;
let mut visited = HashMap::new();
loop {
if ip as usize >= prog.len() {
return (true, acc);
let key = ip;
if visited.contains_key(&key) {
return (false, acc);
visited.insert(key, true);
let p = &prog[ip as usize];
match {
"acc" => {
acc += p.value;
ip += 1;
"jmp" => {
ip = (ip + p.value).max(0);
_ => {
ip += 1;
Day 9
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
9 00:07:27 1224 0 00:13:01 887 0
- Pretty easy day again. Mostly fighting my own typos / mistakes.
- Learned a few cool things though.
- Rust has convenient lambdas defined inline that could capture values from outside:
let is_valid = |x, start, end| {
for i in start..end {
for j in start..i {
if v[i] + v[j] == x {
return true;
return false;
- Rust ranges work on vectors:
let s: i64 = v[i..=j].iter().sum();
let min = v[i..=j].iter().min().unwrap();
let max = v[i..=j].iter().max().unwrap();
Day 10
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
10 00:06:01 559 0 00:14:10 358 0
- Did pretty good - was pretty straightforward dynamic programming and worked almost from the first run
Day 11
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
11 00:13:00 374 0 00:17:56 209 0
- Did pretty well - this is the best day so far.
- Solved Part 2 with 8 (!) nested scopes
- Later learned that rust allows overloading of any methods from existing struct. Here is how I was implementing
methods for vector based on a Vector2d (which is basically (x, y) pair):
pub trait GridExt {
fn get(&self, v: Vector2d) -> char;
fn set(&mut self, v: Vector2d, c: char);
impl GridExt for Vec<Vec<char>> {
fn get(&self, v: Vector2d) -> char {
self[v.y as usize][v.x as usize]
fn set(&mut self, v: Vector2d, c: char) {
self[v.y as usize][v.x as usize] = c;
Day 12
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
12 00:10:22 871 0 00:15:54 356 0
- Had decent part 1, but then speed up at part 2 and gained 500 ranks.
- Learned that
is pretty convenient to use in Rust. You can also skip brackets{ ... }
if there just single expression inside match arm.
for (d, v) in actions {
match d {
'N' => wpt.y += v,
'S' => wpt.y -= v,
'E' => wpt.x += v,
'W' => wpt.x -= v,
'L' => {
for i in 0..v / 90 {
wpt = wpt.rotate_left();
'R' => {
for i in 0..v / 90 {
wpt = wpt.rotate_right();
'F' => pos = pos + wpt * v,
_ => {}
Day 13
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
13 00:03:58 61 40 01:21:36 2161 0
- Did part 1 really was to even get into leaderboard, but then struggled with Part 2 as I forgot about Chineese Remainder Theorem (CRT)
- Some folks also solved it using sieving method that should be fast to implement.
- I essentially came up with inductive formula based on diophantine equation solver
a * x + b * y = c
- However I also tried Rust’s big integers and found they are clunky as hell as require tons of
calls all over the place. Worth checking if there are better alternatives.
Day 14
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
14 00:18:35 1308 0 00:31:07 679 0
- Had a bug with bitwise operations in part 1 which caused timings quite slow
Day 15
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
15 00:19:18 1952 0 00:38:07 2573 0
- Was solving part 1 with O(N^2) alogrithm and had many bugs in the process
Day 16
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
16 00:16:36 1433 0 00:37:44 684 0
- Solved Part 1 in naive way by iterating through all columns and filling the match if there was only 1 possible one
method on iterators in rust
let invalid = nums.iter().any(|x| is_outside_every(*x, &ranges));
to print values:
// [src/bin/] tickets.len() = 191
Day 24
- Learned cool syntax for map update:
*tiles.entry(key).or_insert(0) += 1;
- Variables to functions could have
fn walk(mut line: &str) -> (i64, i64) {
while !line.is_empty() {
line = line[1..]
Final thoughts
- This year I continued using Rust. Now feeling more profficient - can probably solve most of the puzzles without looking into reference
- Other Rust Solutions:
- Vizualization of time taken for top-100:
- Collection of many other related links: